Meet Ndapewoshali

For some people, especially those with vivid imaginations, it’s difficult to express themselves conventionally. There is too much to say. There are too many ways in which to describe a single item, too many colours, too many sounds. For those people, there is poetry.

I Hope You Feel Safe Today

I hope that whatever your fears are today… you find a safe place to land. I hope that if you’re struggling today… you find a warm embrace. I hope that if you need love today… you find a welcoming heart. I hope you feel safe today. With love, Ndapewoshali A.

“I Knew Something Wasn’t Right With That One” on 99FM

In Namibia, we live in a society that shuns those afflicted by mental health illness, rather than provide them with the help and support that they need. In our society, the discussion about mental health is a taboo, suicide is rife and emotional and physical violence are the order of the day. I, wholeheartedly, want to change that.

Making gods of Humans

If 2019 has solidified anything for me, it’s that we should never make gods of human beings. The way the wealthy are given god status in all spheres of society is incredibly problematic.

You Were One of Us

Every time I see a picture of the culprit smiling in the paper, I almost want to shout: “But you are one of us! How could you do this?”

It Is Almost Too Late

LAST week, a story ran in the media that the increase in the number of applications for small arms licences was a cause for concern to the Ministry of Safety and Security so much so that the ministry was considering issuing a temporary suspension on the importation of side firearms.

7 Life Hacks

Often, joy is hidden in the places you’re too afraid to look

“I’m not my brother’s keeper.” I beg to differ.

We live in an age where we rely on social media to tell us how people are doing. Let’s be honest; we have all sat down with friends and spent the majority of the time on our phones posing for photographs, finding the perfect caption and posting. After that, we monitor how many “likes” the photograph has received, WHO liked it and how quickly they didn’t like it and more often than not, who DIDN’T like it.