


Mental Wealth

Podcast: Let’s Talk

The purpose of this podcast is to have uplifting, purpose, and solution-driven conversations. It’s meant to be an extension of my website, Ndapewoshali Writes (www.ndapewoshaliwrites.com), and my YouTube channel (Ndapewoshali). This is a platform that allows us to interact more intimately. I hope you find the episodes informative and entertaining.

Please subscribe to the podcast.

YouTube: Ndapewoshali

The purpose of this channel is to have uplifting, purpose, and solution-driven conversations. It’s meant to be an extension of this site and it is a platform that allows us to interact more intimately.

In July 2020, I posted the first video. You can watch the videos by navigating to the “YouTube Channel” tab on this site. You will find all the videos and a short write-up about each video. I hope you find the videos informative and entertaining.

Please subscribe to the YouTube channel.


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For some people, especially those with vivid imaginations, it’s difficult to express themselves conventionally. There is too much to say. There are too many ways in which to describe a single item, too many colours, too many sounds. For those people, there is poetry.

— Ndapewoshali

Please feel free to write to me if there’s anything you’d like to me write about, make a video about or if you have any other information or contributions you’d like to make.

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